Masters' Presentations

Celebrating the start of the student’s project with presentation on the motivation, background aims, methods and a plan.

Masters Presentations

Every Master’s student undertakes a self-directed project as part of their Degree. At the conference, students will present a plan for their research project to be completed over the summer term. As scholars that are beyond a first degree, Master’s Students are expected to become leaders in knowledge acquisition and research. There is a saying in scientific disciplines that we have the privilege of standing on the shoulders of greatness we learn from the world’s most extraordinary thinkers, Turing, Lovelace, Babbage the list goes on … A master’s degree is a place where students are expected to start your journey in becoming thought leaders in industry, academia and society.

A Master’s project is an opportunity for students to shape their own work and to demonstrate their personal contribution to the mastery of computer science. The conference aims to provide students:

  • with an opportunity to listen to their learned peers about other topics of computer science which they will study in-depth,
  • a chance to present the area of computer science that you are passionate about and highlight your plan for your Masters’s project.
  • a professional networking environment to respect, support and encourage each other, be curious and ask questions about each other’s work.
  • an opportunity to meet local industry and employers, and develop your employability through skills and knowledge provided in the employability zone.


Visitors Welcome

Everyone is invited and welcome to attend the conference from national employers to members of the public from the local community. Visitors are welcome to join presentation streams to see the work being carried out.

Masters Presentation Stream Timings

Tuesday PM 7th May

What’s happening?
Lunch 12:00 – 13:00 East & West Gallery
Presentation Session (Slots 1 – 5) 13:00 – 14:30 Various Rooms, see Stream Agenda
Break 14:30 – 15:00 East & West Gallery
Presentation Session (Slots 6 – 10) 15:00 – 16:30 Various Rooms, see Stream Agenda


Masters Presentation Stream Agenda  
What’s happening? Who? Where? Markers
Presentations: Stream 1 Students (Group 1) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 049 Chen Hu
Simon Robinson
Presentations: Stream 2 Students (Group 2) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 043 Mukesh Tiwary
Muneeb Ahmad
Presentations: Stream 3 Students (Group 3) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 029 Deb Roy
Solmaz safari
Presentations: Stream 4 Students (Group 4) School of Management, room 106 Neil Carter
Lu Zhang
Presentations: Stream 5 Students (Group 5) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 011 Nader Al Khatib
Tom Owen
Presentations: Stream 6 Students (Group 6) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 014 Jay Morgan
Trang Doan
Presentations: Stream 7 Students (Group 7) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 018 Sofya Lyakhova
Troy Astarte
Presentations: Stream 8 Students (Group 8) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 037 Galileo Sator
Ulrich Berger
Presentations: Stream 8 Students (Group 9) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 022 Raziyeh Moghaddas
Yuanbo Wu
Presentations: Stream 10 Students (Group 8) Computational Foundry, Room 002 Randell Gaya
George Brooks
Presentations: Stream 8 Students (Group 11) College, Room 127 Nicholas Micallef
Alec Critten
Presentations: Stream 12 Students (Group 12) Collage, Room 017 Scott Yang Yang
Ehinafa Akinola

Wednesday AM 8th May

What’s happening?
Presentation Session (Slots 1 – 5) 09:30 – 11:15 Various Rooms, see Stream Agenda
Break 11:15 – 11:30 East & West Gallery
Presentation Session (Slots 6 – 10) 11:30 – 12:45 Various Rooms, see Stream Agenda
Lunch 12:45 – 13:45 East & West Gallery


Masters Presentation Stream Agenda  
What’s happening? Who? Where? Markers
Presentations: Stream 13 Students (Group 13) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 049 Chen Hu
Hassan Eshkiki
Presentations: Stream 14 Students (Group 14) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 043 Alma Rahat
Deshan Sumanathilaka
Presentations: Stream 15 Students (Group 15) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 029 Anton Setzer
George Brooks
Presentations: Stream 16 Students (Group 16) School of Management, room 106 Arno Pauly
Alec Critten
Presentations: Stream 17 Students (Group 17) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 011 Arnold Beckmann
Alex Warren
Presentations: Stream 18 Students (Group 18) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 014 Benjamin Mora
Jen Pearson
Presentations: Stream 19 Students (Group 19) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 018 Betsy Dayana Marcela Chaparro Rico
Jens Blanck
Presentations: Stream 20 Students (Group 20) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 037 Casey Hopkins
Jiaxiang Zhang
Presentations: Stream 21 Students (Group 21) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 022 Cécilia Pradic
Joe Macinnes
Presentations: Stream 22 Students (Group 22) Computational Foundry, Room 002 Deepak Sahoo
John Tucker
Presentations: Stream 23 Students (Group 23) Collage, Room 127 Eike Neumann
Julian Hough
Presentations: Stream 24 Students (Group 24) Collage, Room 017 Fabio Caraffini
Nader Al Khatib

Wednesday PM 8th May

What’s happening?
Lunch 12:45 – 13:45 East & West Gallery
Presentation Session (Slots 1 – 5) 13:45 – 15:00 Various Rooms, see Stream Agenda
Break 15:00 – 15:15 East & West Gallery
Presentation Session (Slots 6 – 10) 15:15 – 16:30 Various Rooms, see Stream Agenda


Masters Presentation Stream Agenda  
What’s happening? Who? Where? Markers
Presentations: Stream 25 Students (Group 25) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 049 Megan Venn-Wycherley
Fernando Maestre Avila
Presentations: Stream 26 Students (Group 26) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 043 George Brooks
Markus Roggenbach
Presentations: Stream 27 Students (Group 27) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 029 Deb Roy
Oliver Kullmann
Presentations: Stream 28 Students (Group 28) School of Management, room 106 Neil Carter
Gary Tam
Presentations: Stream 29 Students (Group 29) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 011 Alex Warren
Deshan Sumanathilaka
Presentations: Stream 30 Students (Group 30) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 014 Sofya Lyakhova
Hoang Nga Nguyen
Presentations: Stream 31 Students (Group 31) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 018 Gregory Cheng
Ehinafa Akinola
Presentations: Stream 32 Students (Group 32) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 037 Thomas Reitmaier
Raziyeh Moghaddas
Presentations: Stream 33 Students (Group 33) Great Hall, Ground Floor, Room 022 Manlio Valenti
Pardeep Kumar
Presentations: Stream 34 Students (Group 34) Computational Foundry, Room 002 Mark Jones
Galileo Sator